Top 5 European White Cats And Their Characteristics

White Cats

European White Cats are found widely in the world. The origin of cat breeds is very ancient. Cats are very loyal but when we say the White Cats we will discuss only specific kinds of cat breeds. White Cats are very lovely, playful, and very attractive. They have double-coated hairs on their skin. They have pet personalities. Like dogs, these cats are very loyal to their owner.

European Burmese cats are one of the domestic breeds. This breed originated from Burma. It is believed that this breed is found near the Burma border and Thailand. Later this breed came to be seen in Britain and Europe.

Temperament of White Cats

Therefore, The Burmese breed has a very pleasant temperament. This breed is very friendly and socialist. They are very intelligent and mutual with people. The scientific name of European White Cats is (Felis Catus) American Burmese cats are stronger than White Cats. American Burmese are More stockiest and store food for a few days. White Cats are commonly thick and thin. Lastly, They have more athletic features. They are very popular in Europe.

Characteristics of White Cats

Equally important, White Cats are very curious, clever, and friendly. European White Cats have standards for sweet is their nature that they are brought up socially. They are very playful and attractive. These like to play with Burmese toys. They felt pleasure in playing with their family members. These are games for anyone. These cats love attention .they are very loyal to their owner. The voice of these cats is very loud. sometimes it seems that they are talking to you.

Moreover, Although adult White Cats are very peaceful. They demand love from their parents, having their stomachs. Daily pet sessions are very necessary for every European White cat. Their common name is Burmese. White Cats are middle in size. Furthermore, The height of European White Cats ranges from 9 to 13 inches. Their weight ranges from 8 to 15 pounds. An adult cat weighs 8 to 12 pounds or more. Lastly, The life span of these cats may be 10 to 17 years.

Other Colors of Cats

Therefore, Cats may be found in 10 colors. The most common colors in which they mostly found are sable (dark brown), champagne ( beige ), blue ( a medium gray with light brown cat undertones), and platinum ( a light gray with light brown undertones) .in the result of European White Cats phenotype decreases the dark pigment that changes black colors into sepia and orange color into yellow. Lastly, Burmese points are more deep in the body. Their eyes are yellow-gray and yellow greens.

Food and diet

In Addition, Knowledge about the food and diet of cats is necessary for every owner. The food of every cat is specific according to their age and life stage. The best Cat food for White Cats is a completely cat-balanced diet. Like all cats White Cats are also carnivores. That means they should eat meat to survive. White Cats can not eat vegetables and the food is obtain from plants. Finally, The Rice formula is very important to support its playful and active nature.


Are white cats a specific breed?

White cats are not a breed in themselves but can be found in many breeds, including Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon, and Domestic Shorthair.

Are European White Cats deaf?

While not all European White Cats are deaf, those with blue eyes are more likely to be deaf. This is due to a genetic correlation between white fur and deafness, particularly in cats with blue eyes.

Do white cats require special grooming?

White cats may need more frequent grooming to maintain their pristine appearance, as dirt and debris are more noticeable on their fur. Regular brushing and occasional baths can help keep their coats clean.

Are white cats more prone to health issues?

White cats are not inherently more prone to health issues than cats of other colors. However, they are more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer due to their lack of pigmentation, so it’s important to keep them indoors during peak sunlight hours or apply pet-safe sunscreen if they go outside.

Do European White Cats have unique personality traits?

There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that the color of a cat’s fur influences its personality. However, each cat is an individual with its own temperament and behaviors regardless of coat color.


White cats are captivating creatures with their striking appearance and unique characteristics. While they may require a bit of extra care, such as protection from the sun and regular grooming, they make wonderful companions for those willing to provide them with love and attention. Whether they’re lounging in the sun or playing with their favorite toys, European White Cats bring joy and beauty to any household. These cats provide a good source of entertainment.



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